The EuroAtlantic Union Review - Anno IV, n.1-2

Vol. 4 • No. 1-2/2017
Disponibilità: Disponibile
ISBN: 9788866117391
€ 90,00


The Globalization Crisis and the Emergence of Large Internal Governed Markets Dario Velo

How to ensure a sustainable Euro? German Influence on the Response to the Crisis in the Euro-zone Re-examined Lothar Funk

Detachment Instead of Confrontation: Post-European Russia in Search of Self-Sufficiency Alexis Miller and Fyodor Lukyanov

European Social Economy Luigi Sturzo and the Social Market Economy. A Popular and Liberal Perspective Flavio Felice

Documents The European Defence Pasquale Preziosa

Monetary, Financial and Real Dimensions of Development Giovanni Palladino

The Junker Plan and the Energy Union Roberto Palea

Informazioni aggiuntive
Anno Edizione 2018
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